Monday, August 31, 2009

She's Gone...

So, my wife left me last night.
That’s right. She’s gone. She packed her suitcase and left me alone at the house with our two kids. I’d try to explain what happened, but to be honest, I’m still somewhat shell-shocked from the whole thing and its all kind of a blur right now.
The thing is – I was kind of expecting this. And, even though I had suspected this day would come eventually – it was still a jarring moment to me.
Look, I am not a perfect person by any stretch of the imagination – and can be somewhat, um... shall we say, “difficult” to be around at times: I’m a bit needy, I’m not always the most motivated person in the world and I smell funny from time to time.
That being said, having your life turned completely upside-down like this is one of the most harrowing experiences one can go through. It makes you think about a lot of different things. “What could I have done differently?” “Why didn’t I see this coming?” “Whose underwear are these?”
Still, you try and go on. It’s hard, though. You smell a certain smell that reminds you of her. Hear “that” song you both used to dance to. Drive by the place you first met or went on your first date or convinced her you really weren’t all that creepy. It’s all a grim reminder that she’s not there with you. And, it hurts. A lot.
The kids, thankfully, haven’t quite figured out what’s going on, yet. Fortunately, I’ve been able to keep them occupied the majority of the time since, which has pretty much kept them from asking too many questions. It’s probably for the best right now. I mean, how do you explain something like this to a 6-year old, much less a 3-year old? You can’t.
Right now, I just have to focus on trying to adjust to life as a single dad. It won’t be easy, but I think I will be able to manage. The kids are a little older now, so they’re much more self-sufficient, which certainly helps. I can work my way through the kitchen without burning down the house, so I don’t have to worry about them not eating well. As for cleaning – well, that can always be done after the kids are in bed.
All I know for sure is that this transition will be difficult, but I will get through it. My life without my wife around will be tough, but at the end of the day, I’ll have to put all my pain aside and be strong – for the sake of my kids.
I just hope I can make it until she gets back home tomorrow night...


Anonymous said...

Be strong, brother. I know you can make it through this difficult time. We're all praying for you and the kids...speaking of which, don't forget to feed them. And make sure they get dressed in the morning. And that they don't wander off down the street at night.

Rob W. said...

I'll do what I can. The first two things should be easy - but keeping them from wandering off at nights will be difficult. Especially where the boy is concerned. That kid is trouble...