No, you're not dreaming. You're not hallucinating (well, maybe you are, especially if you're here in Washington). You're not fantasizing (again, maybe you are. I don't judge).
In any event, I'm back.
I'm back because I've been thinking a lot lately about a saying: it's better to regret something you have done, than to regret something you haven't done.
I don't know where this saying originated, not that it really matters. I first heard it at the beginning of the Butthole Surfers song, Sweat Loaf. Which, is also probably irrelevant, but seems somewhat apropos with how things randomly manage to happen in my life.
In any event, I'm not exactly sure why this thought has been going through my head so much lately (or, maybe I do, and I'm just not spilling it here), but the point is, it's been happening a lot lately.
For those of you who aren't aware, I used to blog a lot. I enjoyed it. I'd even go so far as to say that I was pretty good at it (which, if you know how hard it is for me to be positive about anything I do, is saying something).
I met a lot of people - virtually - through my blog, a couple of whom I still keep up with today and have even met in person. It was pretty cool, and a great creative outlet for someone like me who desperately needed one.
Then, in 2004, that all changed.
In 2004, we moved back to North Carolina, after three years living in Boston. I had jumped from a few temp jobs, looking for a permanent gig, when I came across what I thought would have been the perfect job for me - working in the Licensing Division of a certain racing organization that rhymes with ASSCAR. To make a long story short, I busted my ass there for about six months hoping to get a full-time gig with them, only to instead get myself summarily fired with extreme prejudice after blogging about how frustrated I was with their painfully slow hiring process.
(In all honesty - it wasn't that simple, and it was a stupid of me to post it in the first place. Hindsight, it turns out, is still undefeated).
Suffice to say, my blogging escapades pretty much died that day. My already fragile ego took a killshot to the head and writing just seemed unimportant. Eventually, I lost my old site and started this one. However I could never quite get the same mojo going that I had going before. I'm sure having two kids running around didn't help matters, but regardless, no matter how hard I tried, I could never get into a regular writing rhythm again. My last update - as you can see below, was almost 10 years ago.
So, why now? I can't really say. I've been talking about giving it a go again for a while, but as is wont to happen - especially with me, life seems to keep getting in the way. Honestly, I don't even know if people actually write blogs anymore. Everyone I know seems to have a vlog, podcast or both. I've thought about going that route, but I can't quite come up with a good enough concept to podcast about, and - if you've ever heard me on any of the podcasts I do show up on from time to time - talking off the cuff isn't exactly my strong suit.
Thus, here I am. If I have to try and figure out why - I suppose at the end of the day, I'm just trying to finally do one of the things that I always say I'm going to do, but never quite get around to doing. Who knows? Perhaps this can be the start of my turning over a new leaf - finally putting all those grand plans I've come up with throughout my life into motion, one stupid blog post at a time.
Will this become a regular thing again? I don't know. I'd like it to be, but I've been down this road before, so who knows? The good thing is, I've lived a lot of life in the last 10 years, so I should have plenty of good stories and material to work into blog posts, so there's that. Hell, the last three months could probably provide me enough material for a year, but that's a story for another time. (Actually, several stories, but I digress...) Plus, enough time has passed so that if I really get stuck, I can just regurgitate some of my old posts and no one will be the wiser!
So, we'll see what happens. For now, let's just mark this as one baby step towards finally getting off my ass to finally start following through on some things.
If not, at least I don't have to regret not trying...